Attendance Policy
The purpose of this attendance policy is to ensure students attend school regularly to promote academic success and comply with Arizona state law (A.R.S. § 15-802), which mandates compulsory school attendance for students aged 6-16. Consistent attendance is vital for students' educational development and overall school success.
1. Attendance Requirements:
Compulsory Attendance: Students aged 6 to 16 are required by Arizona law to attend school regularly. It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to ensure their children attend school daily.
School Day: Students are expected to be in school from start to dismissal, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise notified by the school administration.
2. Excused Absences:
An absence is considered excused if the parent/guardian notifies the school, and the reason falls within one of the following categories:
Illness or injury of the student
Medical or dental appointments
Religious observances
Family emergencies (e.g., death in the family)
Other circumstances deemed excusable by the school administration
Reporting Absences:
Parents/guardians must call the school office prior to the day of the absence to report the reason. Written notes may also be accepted upon the student’s return to school.
Absences not reported within 24 hours may be marked as unexcused.
3. Unexcused Absences:
An absence is unexcused if:
The absence is not reported to the school by the parent/guardian.
The reason for the absence does not meet the criteria for an excused absence.
The student misses school without parental permission (truancy).
Consequences for Unexcused Absences:
Parents will be notified of unexcused absences.
After consecutive unexcused absences, a warning letter may be sent home.
Continued unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action, including referral to a truancy officer or legal action in compliance with Arizona state law.
4. Tardiness:
Students arriving late to school must check in at the front office. Excessive tardiness can disrupt learning. Persistent tardiness may result in a conference with parents/guardians and school administration to address the issue.
5. Early Dismissal:
Parents/guardians requesting early dismissal must sign their child out in the front office. Frequent early dismissals are discouraged as they can impact instructional time. Repeated early dismissals may be treated similarly to tardies.
6. Excessive Absences:
Chronic Absenteeism: A student is considered chronically absent if they miss 10% or more of the school year (approximately 18 days) for any reason, including excused and unexcused absences. Chronic absenteeism can lead to significant academic difficulties.
Interventions: The school will monitor student attendance and intervene when patterns of excessive absences are identified. Interventions may include:
Parent-teacher conferences
Implementation of an attendance improvement plan
Referral to the Court Unified Truancy Suppression Program (C.U.T.S.) in partnership with Maricopa County Juvenile Court
7. Make-Up Work for Absences:
Students are responsible for completing all missed work due to absences. Teachers will provide opportunities to make up assignments, quizzes, and tests. It is the student’s responsibility to:
Contact teachers to get the missed assignments.
Complete and submit make-up work within the time frame determined by the teacher (usually equivalent to the number of days missed).
8. Special Circumstances:
For extended absences due to illness, injury, or other extenuating circumstances, parents/guardians should contact the school administration to discuss possible accommodations.
9. Communication:
The school will communicate with parents/guardians regularly regarding student attendance through progress reports, phone calls, and parent-teacher conferences. Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate any concerns related to attendance with the school.