Parent Involvement
Site Council
Site Council is comprised of teachers, support staff, administration, and parents. The goal of Site Council is to allow all groups of stakeholders to have a voice in the growth and improvement of the school. We encourage all parents to attend the meetings and gain information on how to be engaged in the school and your child’s education.
Volunteering at Val Vista Academy
We encourage parents to visit classrooms, take part in school activities, and volunteer in the school because family engagement promotes student learning.
There are a number of ways you can volunteer:
There are a number of ways you can volunteer:
- Work in your child’s classroom or assist with small groups
- Assist in the office
- Supervise in the cafeteria or at recess
- Assist with planning and running of school-wide events
- Volunteer from home
- Be a guest speaker, teach a skill, or share a talent with our students
- … and so much more!
Volunteers form an essential part of the school program. For the safety of our students, Arizona Ball Charter Schools require all volunteers, including family members, to be screened with a background check every two years. Below are the steps for our volunteer process:
Complete a Volunteer Application
Successfully complete a background check
If you have a Fingerprint Clearance Card, a copy of the front and back of that will fulfill this requirement
Provide a copy of your driver's license
Provide a picture for your volunteer badge
If you would like to volunteer at Val Vista Academy, please email, drop off the required documents to the front office or contact Barb Oda at 480-656-5555.
Val Vista Academy has procedures permitting individuals other than school personnel or students, entrance to the school premises. The established procedures ensure that students, employees, and School property are safeguarded. Dobson Academy encourages visits, tours, and observations of classrooms by parents of enrolled students and parent wishing to enroll their children in the School and will be arranged to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of pupils and staff.
Please complete the "Tour Request Form" to schedule your school tour. Parents are encouraged to contact the school office for additional information about visiting and touring the campus.
Other than a law enforcement officer or one with specific authorization from a School administrator, no one shall carry or possess a weapon on school grounds.